Eleven scientific discoveries made by musicians

Eva Amsen 🔬🎶
5 min readMay 2, 2018
Photo of Brian May by Maria Sealey from Pexels

Musicians make us dance, sway, sing along, and tap our feet. But did you know some of them also spend a lot of time studying science? Below are eleven scientific discoveries made by professional musicians, in fields ranging from astrophysics to neuroscience.

1. The planet Uranus

Discovered by William Herschel (composer)

William Herschel was the composer and organist at the Octagon Chapel in Bath, England, but in his spare time he made telescopes. His telescopes were so good, he was able to view the night sky in much more detail than anyone had ever seen it before, and Herschel became the first person ever to observe the planet Uranus.

2. Eight comets

Discovered by Caroline Herschel (singer)

William’s sister Caroline Herschel moved from Germany to join her brother in England. She worked as a singer, but William also trained her to help him with his astronomy work. Caroline made several discoveries of her own, including eight comets, and was the first woman to receive an official salary for scientific work.



Eva Amsen 🔬🎶

Writer, science communicator, musician. Find more of my writing at Forbes.com, Undark, Nature, Nautilus, The Scientist, Hakai and other places.